SBKA Honey Show
We will be holding a Honey Show at the SBKA Apiary on 21st September, open to all members.
Whether you are an established beekeeper or a newish beekeeper, there is a class for you and no excuse for not entering.
It will be a low key event, it’s all anonymous and just for fun, imagine how you would feel if you were in your first season and beat an old timer to the best honey. None of us know what our bees will bring in, so you are as likely to do well as anyone else.
There are 2 classes for new beekeepers, one jar of liquid honey (any colour) and one jar of set honey. If you extracted honey this year, there is absolutely no reason not to enter. Imagine how you would feel if the Honey Judge scored your first attempts highly!!
Existing Beekeepers, “shame on you” if you don’t enter at least 3 classes.
You don’t even need to have bees, there is Honey Cake, Shortbread, Candles and a Photo class, so any excuse not to enter is going to be really good.
This year, we will also be giving 2 large silver cups (from the flower show) to the novice with the most points and to the open class winner.
To just top this all off, and by special request, we will be having a BBQ again. However this year we are bringing in a proper BBQ and not setting fire to the bush with the portable BBQ’s like we did last year.
You can download the entry form (below). Please email your entry back to
Please indicate your choice of bun filling from the BBQ
Looking forward to receiving your entry form.
Taster Day
Like to see what beekeeping is all about? Spaces are still available on our Taster Day – see our Learning page